Monday, January 21, 2019

January Dinner Meal Prep | Week Two

 Another successful week of dinner prep in the books. This was such an easy dinner prep using everything we have at the house. I want to make sure we're eating different kinds of food so that we're not having the urge to eat out as much. Of course, my family and I eat out at the nearest Filipino restaurant because that's the only type of food I don't want leftovers of. I'm loving our Sunday family brunches as well! Sundays are our lazy days so we bake right before Waymon gets up in the morning. All of our recipes are linked below!

Tuesday  - Taco Salad  

 Wednesday - Lazy Wonton Soup 

Friday  - Burger and Fries  

Saturday  Leftovers 

Sunday Chicken Milanese Salad


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