Thursday, February 8, 2018

Women's March 2018

Raising a little girl in this trying time has me optimistic . Optimistic because I know that I'm doing everything I can to raise a strong, independent and intelligent young lady. I'm raising Haidyn to believe she can breathe fire. She will not be silenced and I never want her to feel that way. She can do anything she wants to do in this life of hers and we will be behind her 150% regardless of what she wants to do in life.

We attended our local 2018 Women's March to march with our fellow sisters in Reno. Haidyn had no idea why we were walking but after explaining to her why we were walking along side so many powerful women she was trying her best to piece together what was happening. At the end of the walk the one thing she did understood is that girls are equal to boys and GIRL POWER! Not half bad for a 3 1/2 year old.

We saw so many familiar faces and so many other's wanting to stand up for us women. It's truly empowering and moving to see so many women stand up for what they believe in. Everyone was there on their own agenda but together I truly believe that we were all united as one. 


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