Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January King Arfur Barkbox

Let's get it over with, if you haven't noticed yet my little Frankie is very spoiled. Therefore, he gets everything that I want for him. That's how it works right? Well that's how it works in our house. :) He gets a lot of toys and attention because he is the baby of the family right now. Just as long as he's loved, I don't think he really minds. I've been oogling over the barkbox for him for months now and finally caved to get him one. 

For those of you that don't know what a Barkbox is it's a monthly subscription box for dogs that comes with 3 different treats and 2 different toys for your pup! The boxes are themed every month so all of the goodies inside match the box itself and it's the cutest thing ever. This month our box is the King Arfur box that includes all things medieval. 

Haidyn was really jealous that her brother got a special package and she didn't, but she quickly got over that. Frankie was over the moon for his new toys but the treats really threw him for a loop. So you know the treats are delicious! I can't wait for his next box! 

If you want to try out Barkbox, here is a free month on Frankie!
 Follow this LINK!


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