Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January Meal Prep | Week Four

We’re back in the groove and our meal preps are easier than ever. I’m honestly trying to create meal plans based off of what I believe will be the easiest to recreate on our days off. We’re busy on the weekends just as busy if not busier than we are during the week, so I’m trying to make sure that we keep on point. This weekend eating wise was a disaster. We ate pizza and drank too much beer, but we’re recovering from that. We made a pact that we wouldn’t eat like that anymore because we honestly feel like absolute crap afterwards. It’s not a pretty sight. Our meal prep is now combined because we’re eating basically the same thing now. (Thank god!!) Here’s our meal prep this week!

BREAKFAST – Coffee and Almond milk

SNACK 1 – Protein Shake and Fruit

SNACK 2 -   Turkey Bacon and Kale Egg Cups

LUNCH – Chicken Bake w/ Veggies and Potatoes  /OR/ Stuffed Peppers w/ Rice

DINNER – 2 cup veg, 1 3/4 cup protein


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