Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2018 Blogaversary!

Many of you that have followed my blog throughout the years know that the New Year's is what sparked my interested to blog. It was actually my New Year's resolution. I'm going 6 years strong on blogging! (YAY) This has been one long relationship with blogging. I never meant to be a blogger, but I'm here blogging to an entire new community of people that still give a shit about what I'm talking about month to month so I'm with it. Thank you for all of you that have sat here and listened ( read ) my rants about my life and everything that goes with it. It's nice to know that some one out there is listening (reading!) 

2017 was big year for me and this year I want it to be an even bigger year for me. I want to outdo myself every year just because I know I can. Why not right? I decided that I don't want to be mediocre anymore. I want more. I want to push myself to do more . So here I am with a whole set of new goals for this year. I'm also putting here my absolute beginning of my 2018 body. This is my "in progress" body and not my end body. I'm putting this here for all of you because I want to always be real with all of you. Last year my before picture was so embarrassing and I vowed to myself that I wouldn't let myself get that bad ever again. Now, my goal isn't to lose weight, but it's to be leaner and to be healthier to attain some of my fitness goals. I want to be stronger and this year I do believe I'm more focused to reach that goal. I also gained a little fluff over the holidays ( that's life right?) But I want to really work on that. 


WAIST 28.5 IN 
R. ARM 10.5 IN
L. ARM 10 IN
R. THIGH 18.5 IN 
R. CALF 13.5 IN 
L. CALF 13.75 IN


2018 GOALS 

  1. Run Weekly- My ultimate goal this year is to run a 10k at the end of the year. I've always wanted to do it and I know that with the proper training I can do it. 
  2. Read more books.- I read 18 books last year and I know that  I can top that! I love how Waymon actually buys me books instead of flowers for special occasions. I want to grow our home library. 
  3. Keeping saying "yes" . - Last year I stayed scared of every decision I made. I want to continue that . Saying "yes" never brought me so much joy in my life . I had fun actually doing what I've never done before. 
  4. Focus on myself . - I've always been proud to be a "self-less" person growing up, but now that I am "grown up" I've realized that I can't always be self-less. I need to save a little for myself because without that I will lose myself. 
  5. Better  myself as a mom/ wife . - This is something that I will always have some room for improvement. I never want to settle for being an average mom/ wife. I also felt like I failed Rory when she passed. ( I know that it wasn't anyone's fault she passed, but now I feel like I've over compensating for her loss). 
  6. Strive more at work. - I've said "yes" to a promotion and now it's time to build on that promotion and do more as a leader. 
  7. Maintain that healthy eating/mindset.- I have to remember that this is a lifestyle and a journey in itself. I need to find the balance among it all. 

Let's get it 2018! I'm going for unstoppable. 


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