Monday, January 16, 2017

21 Day Fix | Week One

I’m staying on top of my new year’s revelations and sticking to my goals. I want to make sure that I make the most of out of this year.  As a new member of team beachbody what better way to make sure I stay on top of it than to work out, drink shakeology and being living proof that this program works!? Out of all of the programs out there on BOD (Beachbody On Demand) I chose 21 day Fix to start with. You can’t beat 30 minutes a day of working out. As many of you know I don’t have a lot of time to go to the gym and workout. BOD has changed all of that for me. Right from home, I’m able to set aside 30-40 minutes a day and take time for myself to workout. This program right here has changed everything. It’s changed the way I eat, the way I workout, everything. This program makes you feel like YOU CAN achieve the impossible if you don’t give up and push through the struggle. 

My drive to finish and push through these workouts has given me so much motivation it’s incredible. Just in one week I can see the difference in myself, not just in weight but my self-motivation. You gotta love those endorphins.  I stayed on point with workouts and the meal plan and I’m loving the results so far. Currently, I’ve logged in 7 workouts , 7 shakeos and I’m down 4.0 lbs. How can you beat that? My goals are no longer just me saying them, I’m writing down my goals to make them attainable. I’m determined to achieve them!  My BB challenge group as well as my friends and family are all so supportive in my goals for this year, which is key for my success. Here’s a quick glimpse of my first week of 21DF.

* Disclaimer : I am an independent beachbody coach. This blog post is not a sponsored post . All results and thoughts , opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting this blog and making this blog possible.


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