Friday, January 6, 2017

2017 Blogaversary!

The New Year is here and it’s the anniversary of the blog! I started this blog now four years ago documenting my life and today it’s evolved into so much more than that. I can’t thank all of you enough for supporting me and this blog. It means so much to me that many of you take the time to read through many of my blogs whether it’s for my family or if it’s for a recipe to share among your friends.

This year I wanted to grow with myself and my blog. I wanted to write more and self-reflect a little more during this New Year. I wanted all of my goals to fit under the same word or category if you will. My word of 2017 is love.  Whatever I do this year I want to do it with love. I want to love myself more, love my family more and give more love out.  I know that there is so much animosity in the world that I don’t want to be a part of. I want to be the person that loves and gives love to anyone that needs it. I want to grow into that person this year and I can’t wait to see the difference it makes in my life this upcoming year. If I don’t love doing it, I won’t do it. It’s as simple as that. With that being said, let’s get onto the

Workout out daily & Eat better
I’ve taken the time to join Team Beach body for 2017. I wanted to get my healthy lifestyle back just like I did four years ago when I started this blog. So far I’ve worked every day and am motivated to keep on it. I would like to lose the weight (no longer baby weight) that I’ve gained from being just plain lazy. But more importantly, I want to be able to find inner peace with myself and my body this year so that I can love myself more as I become healthier via mind, body and soul. It’s important to me to become healthy in all three of those things.

Organize & Simplify
I want to simplify my life. I don’t want the clutter in it anymore. That goes with everything in life. Starting at home I want to organize things so that I am able to find everything and not freak out. I’m a worry wart as well as a control freak and organizing and simplifying would help me ease up. If we don’t need, then I don’t need to buy it!

Blog weekly
As a part of my weekly reflection I’d like to set a goal to blog about anything at all at least once a week. I want to grow in my blog and concentrate on the content of my blogs this year.

Thank you once again for your support and love for this blog. I wouldn’t love blogging as much as I do without all of you guys.

Happy 2017! Let’s get it this year!


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