Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Snow & Rain

Once every couple of years Reno gets hit with a pretty hard snow storm and of course with it being Reno and it never knowing what it really wants it also rained. I know it’s odd, but hey that’s Reno life for you. Any who, it snowed and rained so therefore we had both snow and rain days! When we moved up north in Reno we knew that we were going to be hit with snow more often than before, but we had no idea it would be this much snow! The snow up at our home is beautiful. As you can see the snow makes our girl pretty darn happy. As soon as she sees flurries she’s determined to play in it ( or at least just lay in it). Rory even got some of the snow action this past weekend, but of course was terrified of the rain.

All silliness aside, here in Reno it’s been pretty scary the past few days due to all of the snow and rain. Our rivers are now overflowing with water ( thank God) but now it’s a little too much with how heavy it did snow the past few days. The pattern will continue and I’m hoping that everyone in Northern NV area remains safe. Haidyn’s school was closed due to the flood warning this past Monday so we had an unexpected three day weekend . I swear, it feels like she’s barely going to school lately , but I can’t complain when I have her all to myself. We took full advantage of staying in our PJ's all day and relax. What else can a couple of gals ask for?


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