Monday, January 23, 2017

21 Day Fix| Week Two

Week two has come and gone and I’m feeling stronger and more confident than ever before. I’ve regained a little more self-love this week and that is just so amazing to me. The beginning of this week during my workouts and during work my clothes were literally falling off of me! If that isn’t a win I don’t know what is. My meal prepping has been on point and I’ve been making it a routine with everyone to make sure all the prep is done for the week. If you don’t meal plan, I don’t know how you do it! I know that without meal prepping I was a hot mess when it came to making everyone’s lunches. I feel so much more prepared with prepping and it left me with MORE time to spend with the girls and Waymon.


Weight loss total: 5.4 lbs!! 


This is one of the biggest changes that I’ve seen in my journey through team beachbody. In a short period of time, my confidence level has grown. I couldn’t believe how much better I was feeling about myself. It’s definitely a combination of working out, eating better and being surrounded by like-minded people to keep me up. It also didn’t hurt that my clothes started fitting like they use to. I’m feeling more and more comfortable in my own skin.

 Tiredness /Craving

Since I work so much, I don’t get enough sleep. On average I use to sleep 4-5 hours max. Its awful I know. However, now I’ve been crashing so hard! I’ve been getting closer to 6-7 hours of sleep. I don’t feel like I’m dying at the end of the day nor am I wanting to nap! How amazing is that? I’m also dodging all of my cravings. I'm having to force myself to eat most times because I’m not hungry. I’ve gotten to point where I’m not craving for the food truck that comes to our work weekly.  That’s definitely a Shakeology benefit. My entire family is now getting into the kitchen to help me make dinner or meal prep. 


I’ve always doubted myself but this is just proof to trust your struggle. I’ve upped my weight this week and pushing further and further into every single workout.

I’m ready to tackle week three! Bring it on!


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