Monday, December 14, 2015

Santa Baby

Every year, my work has an open house for us to bring our families to tour the facility and to meet Santa. Last year, we brought Haidyn to meet Santa and to our surprise she loved him ( she was more interested in his beard than anything). We stopped by Starbucks before the open house to get a little breakfast. (FYI Haidyn is not impressed with the hot chocolate, but she fought me for the cheese Danish.) She showed off her fancy Christmas dress to everyone and proceeded to dance the entire time we were there.

This year, we were a little apprehensive about Haidyn meeting Santa. Everyone said that we got lucky the first time and that maybe this time she’d cry because of him. But before we knew it she stared at Santa for a split second before letting him pick her up to put on his lap. It was the most precious thing! I can’t believe how big she is now.

Seeing her with Santa was the highlight of our day. The highlight of her day was to sit at my desk and work. I’ve already got a workaholic on my hands. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it? My desk totally looks like hers too. 

 My open house definitely put us in the Christmas spirit! Christmas we're ready for you!


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