Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Here is to 25

I don’t know what it is about turning 25 that has me terrified. I never imagined that at 25 I would be married to a wonderful man and have a beautiful baby girl. I always thought this day would come and I’d have everything figured out in life as if life would give be a box having all of the things I needed to become successful/happy in one little box. Life has handed me life lessons left and right throughout my life and thrown curve balls at me when I least expected it. I’ve learned that I will overcome everything if I just breathe. My life is nowhere near what I envisioned it to be, it’s even better that I could’ve ever imagined. I love my life and everything it took to get me here. I don’t have it all figured it out and I don’t think I ever will , but I’m ready to learn everyday to make myself a better mother , wife and person that I can be. Anyhow, here’s my list of 25 things I’ve learned at 25.
  1.     Stop stressing, it will all be okay.
  2.   Don’t lie or cheat.
  3.  With that being said, be honest in every aspect of your life.
  4.  Choose happiness, even if it doesn’t seem like the winning choice.
  5.     Love conquers all.
  6.    Work hard and be humble.  
  7.   Things really do happen for a reason and in time.
  8.    Always count your blessings they will outweigh the bad in your life.
  9.    Relationships will evolve just as much as you will, remembering that will help when friends come and go throughout the years.
  10.   Make yourself a priority and be a little selfish at times.
  11.   Take a break.
  12.  Tell it like it is (within reason). Don’t hold back your feelings for someone good or bad.
  13.  Trust your gut.
  14.   Don’t be a perfectionist.  
  15.    At the end of the day, Family is all that matters.
  16.    Learn to say “No”.
  17.   Save money – as much as you can.
  18. Smile often 
  19. Waking up with a "I can I will " attitude will make you feel unstoppable. 
  20.   I don’t have to have it all figured out just yet. I will learn to be a better mother, sister, daughter and wife throughout my life.
  21.  Learn from your mistakes and grow with them.
  22.   If you feel good, you’ll look good.
  23. Just because I don’t have the highest position in a company, doesn’t mean I’m not successful.
  24.  Don’t give up on your dreams. 
  25. Love yourself. Truly love everything about you. Every imperfection is perfect. 


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