Sunday, January 20, 2013

Progress pictures

It is unbelievably difficult for me to post these pictures however I know that I can't hide the ugly side of getting in shape. I promised myself that I would be honest to myself and honest to my supporters. I want to say that I know that by no means am I obese or fat, but I want to be comfortable in my skin and I haven't been. Im completely healthy for my size (4' 11" and 113.6 lbs) .I've always compared myself to other people whether it's celebrities or people I know in my life. I was never happy doing that : I just felt horrible about myself because I was envious of what I knew I could never have. Never again will I compare myself to someone. I want to compete with myself instead of competing with others. This journey is allowing me to confront my greatest fears and I'm proud. I'm taking this one day at a time.

My regimen so far has to eat healthy meals every three hours . Meal prep is essential so that I'm prepared even when busy days hit me out of nowhere. I've been drinking a gallon of water each day as well as working out five days a week (cardio and weight lifting) . In four weeks I've lost 3 lbs and an inch off my waste. I've gained self confidence in my clothing as well as a much more positive attitude towards life. My attitude has gone from "I can't " to "I WILL!" . This won't be the first set of progress pictures , I promise .

:) J9


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