Friday, January 25, 2013


The thought of that word intimidates me. "Dieting" = Devil in my mind, but I know that it's essential with me trying to get in better shape and lean out . I don't know how some people diet their lives away, to me they are confining themselves as well as punishing themselves.  As for me I've been thinking of quite a few ways to go about eating better: becoming a vegan/vegetarian, counting calories or simply just eating clean.

Coming from Filipino background eating meat is a must, however I've never really cared to HAVE meat. Meat is good, but not great for me. Weird I know... but I don't care to gnaw on a piece of meat for an hour. However, if I went through with the vegan/vegetarian route it would really take a toll on my normal eating because I'm well aware of the fact that becoming either of those things isn't something that can be done overnight. Both of those options are out of the question.  * Especially because I would have to spend DOUBLE the money on food because my husband is bulking at this point and hates most veggies.

Next option: counting calories!! (Insert fake cheering here) I was doing really well at this for a couple of weeks. I was under my calories and taking the extra time to read each nutrition label I came across. On the other hand, thanks to my obsessive "A" personality I was competing with myself. I was no longer worried about the nutritional aspect of the food because now all I could see was the numbers. I was obsessed with attaining a certain number even if I wasn't getting the right proteins/carbs/fats I needed during the day. As soon as I recognized my problem, I dropped this option as well. I knew that it wasn't a healthy solution for me.

FINAL OPTION: Clean eating. I've done quite a bit of research on this subject over the course of the month. It's intrigued me immensely to say the least. The entire concept of "clean eating" is getting what you need from healthy unprocessed foods.... drum roll please..... meaning that you actually have to COOK ALL of your food and not go to the boxed dinner for a simple solution.  This concept of eating is simply wonderful and it has shown that it really does work-even for my husband that is bulking up. This "diet" isn't about counting anything it's about eating better to feel and look better. It's done wonders for my mood, appearance as well as my energy level all day. It's also a plus to spend time with my husband in the kitchen to teach him how to cook. This way of looking at food changed everything for me because I can recreate my favorite "junk" foods without the "junk" .


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