Thursday, September 7, 2017

Shift Shop | Round One Results

Holy Shift Shop! I can’t believe this workout. This workout has tested me throughout the entire 21 days. I love Chris and I love how much he motivates you during the toughest parts of the workout. The workouts don’t get easier, I just got better. The last week I thought I was going to do. This program tested me in the best way even the eating plan was challenging for me! No carbs for a week didn’t suck as much as I thought it would and it ultimately, brought me down the better and lower than PRE PREGNANCY WEIGHT. Oh yes, you just read the correctly. I’m so stoked on that fact. What’s even better is that I love my body so much more than I did when I was at this weight almost 4 years ago. I EARNED THIS BODY with all my Mama stripes and the strength that’s come with it. I’m so proud of this body.

 R. ARM         11
L. ARM         11
CHEST          33
WAIST           28
HIPS               32
R. THIGH     18
L. THIGH     18
R. CALF       13.5
L. CALF       13.5

WEIGHT            122 LBS

 R. ARM         11.5
L. ARM         11
CHEST          33
WAIST           27.5
HIPS               32
R. THIGH     17.5
L. THIGH     17.5
R. CALF       13.75
L. CALF       13.5
WEIGHT LOST  -4.8 lbs
WEIGHT            117.8 LBS

I didn’t lose a ton of weight nor did I lose a ton of inches, but this part of my journey will be my hardest. Eating correctly and for my body’s needs will be my biggest feat, which is exactly why I will be doing Whole 30. I want to see the difference of what whole foods will do to my progress and fitness journey. The rib cook off was in Reno this past weekend and you know your girl ate some ribs! So of course the weight pictured above is prior to me attending that festival. :) Life is all about balance right ? Now, it’s on to Round 2 of the SHIFT SHOP!


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