I want to put it out there for everyone to know that posting my journey isn't the easiest thing for me to do. I've grown confident in the last three weeks, more confident than I've ever been in a long time, but it's still difficult to put myself out there for the world to see me at my most vulnerable. When posting a progress picture that I'm so proud of I find myself holding my breath, turning off my notifications and walking away from my phone. I'm always so nervous and I don't think it will ever get easier. Change is scary and fear is what drives me to share my journey with all of you. I'm putting it all out there because this program works and it's changed my life as well as my family's.
Investing in my health and focusing on it changes your perspective in life. In such a short amount of time I've changed my mindset . I can differentiate what's important and what's irrelevant.
What's irrelevant : the excuses I've made up to NOT work on myself. Let's be real this weight was no longer "baby weight" . This is MY weight. I dropped all of the baby weight within in a year and the following year I decided to throw my hands up and say "fuck it".
What's important : making a change to get back to who I was . I'm not one for excuses. They've always held me back. Scared or not I always jump two feet in. This journey with shakeology and team beachbody is my jump. Here are my results .
R. ARM 12.5
L. ARM 12.5
R. THIGH 21.5
L. THIGH 20.5
R. CALF 15.5
L. CALF 14.5
R. ARM 12
L. ARM 11.5
HIPS 34.5
R. THIGH 20.5
L. THIGH 20.75
R. CALF 14.5
L. CALF 14.5
WEIGHT 130.8
I've lost 7.75 inches overall and 7.72 lbs in THREE weeks. That's real . If I can do this program with working 50+ hours a week,
having a toddler under 3 and having to hold my family together SO CAN YOU. This program is doable, this meal plan is doable and your goals are attainable. There is no secret here guys, this program works just as hard as I worked
throughout the 3 weeks. I worked my ass off to get these pounds down and I’m
excited to share this with all of you. I'm proud to share all of you how I've taken my life back. It feels so damn good. My journey is far from over. I'm thankful for an entire family and a group of women that support me every step of the way.
If you want to stop making excuses and you want to do something that scares you shitless; this is it. Join me, ask me questions regardless of how many you may have. I want to be there for you . I want to be scared shitless together.
Let's jump with to feet in.
* Disclaimer : I am an independent beachbody coach. This blog post is not a sponsored post . All results and thoughts , opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting this blog and making this blog possible.