Wednesday, October 19, 2016

My f’ed up cake and the housewarming/welcome party that followed

We bought our home this past July and decided to wait a couple months for our housewarming so that Jon could be a part of the festivities. Our party ended up doubling as our housewarming and a welcome home for Jon. We were a little nervous of how many people we could actually fit into our tiny home, but to our surprise a lot more people fit than we imagined. Reno’s weather didn’t cooperate of course, so instead of having some of our guests outside it rained forcing everyone to gather in our home. What I thought, would be a complete disaster actually turned out pretty amazing. I’m sure the several cups of sangria helped with my party hosting as well.

We planned a simple get together with friends and family and it turned out that we planned for too much food and too many drinks, but on the plus side no one was thirsty and no one went home hungry. I loved seeing our family come together to see our home as well as see Jon for the first time in over a year. Nothing beats quality time with everyone over good food. For this party I busted out my Pioneer Woman cookbook and whipped up some of her delicious recipes.

Now, with that being said let’s talk about the perfect chocolate strawberry cake I made. I made this cake, I dreamt about this cake and when all was said and done I fucked up this cake. When I say “fucked up” I mean I made stupid mistakes like: 1) place the chocolate cake on top of something that would completely ruin a layer of chocolate cake 2) then after try to cover it up with whip cream 3) then slam it into the fridge and watching it all fall apart. Yup, I hella fucked up that cake, but it was still so amazing I mean c’mon look at it! Thankfully, I have pictures before the aftermath.

Thank you for everyone who came to welcome home Jon and join us in our new home. It meant so much to us to be surrounded by family and friends. We’re looking forward to more gatherings in the future.


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