Monday, October 17, 2016

Christmas in October | Jon's Visit

I always dread writing a recap of Jon’s visit solely because I know that he’s left to go back home shortly before this posts. There is nothing in the world that makes me happier than having my little brother by my side for any amount of time. I don’t think I will ever get use to him getting back on a plane a leaving. Reality never really sets in that he lives on the other side of the country since every time he comes back we pick up right where we left off. This trip was so amazing with him and I’m so happy that he got to take the time to spend it with us here in NV. The girls would not leave him alone and I’ve never seen them jealous of one another until it came to Uncle Jon.



Unlike the past years Jon has come home Waymon and I were finally able to take some time off of work to spend time with him! I was so pleased to actually spend time with him instead of hunting down for time after work. He’s in high demand whenever he comes back! We usually do a big Christmas when he’s here but since we swapped Christmas with the fall time for our vacation we decided to make fall big! We carved pumpkins, traveled on vacation (for the first time) and of course we included him in our housewarming (which basically a party for Jon but I don’t mind).

 It will be so weird not having him home this Christmas, but this fall trip was our Christmas all together. Counting down the days until you come home again. We're always so happy to have you home.


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