Friday, October 21, 2016

Hunkin Carving

I love including Jon in our family traditions when he’s down for a visit. Mostly, because as kids we never created traditions together as a family. I think it’s amazing now that we get to create little things we do every year during the holidays. Yes, Halloween is a holiday in the Wells’ household! Everyone in our family loves Halloween. I think we love it too much, but that’s okay. I planned so much for us to do while Jon was here that we basically didn’t get to do it (per usual Jannine planning), but pumpkin carving was at the top of that Jon’s here to do list. This was Jon’s first time carving a pumpkin and I think I may have made it his last. (Crossing my fingers that I’m wrong)  I like to carve pumpkins as a theme because you always have to have a theme. :) 

Our theme was baseball! As many of you know we’re a family of SF Giants fans so obviously we were getting the updates for the game when they lost.  We were hoping they would win, but they didn’t . So instead of being bad sports about our team losing we made fun of it! We created out Giants pumpkins with our two baseball players that are bummed they lost the game. We learned this year that Haidyn loves her  pumpkins (or hunkins) from the outside as well as bossing you around to what you SHOULD be doing to the pumpkin but HATES pumpkin guts. Girl was literally screaming in fear when we told her to touch it. It was actually really funny since last year she loved touching it. 

I think we did a pretty decent job with our pumpkins. They’re out early but eh who cares! And you cant forget to bake your pumpkin seeds!  I’m glad that Jon got to join in our Halloween fun.


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