Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mickamau Gang Vacation

We planned our first family vacation a year ago and we finally got to go on it last week. Believe me when I tell you that blood, sweat and tears went into planning, over planning and over thinking a trip with my brothers, husband and toddler. I anticipated every speed bump for this trip when it came to Haidyn and I even had people tell me how crazy I was that I was taking my 2 ½ year old on vacation, but it was so worth it. This trip made me want to go on more vacations (even plan them a year out again). Our agenda was Disneyland, Universal, beaches and quality time with the entire family.  We haven’t seen my brothers since Christmas of last year so this week was perfect.  

A little recap, as we grew closer to our trip to Disney we tried our best to get Haidyn pumped for Disney. She was game for anything Disney by the time we headed to Disney, but her new catch phrase during the trip was “Mickamau” (Mickey Mouse) . The kid lived and breathed mickamau for a year so on our first day of Disney and actually seeing everything mickamau blew her mind to say the least.

*note that this will probably be the longest post w/ pics everrrrr * 

We headed out Saturday night to southern California to begin our trip. We stopped in Venice beach just to check out the sights, grab some breakfast and get Haidyn and the boys acquainted with Venice beach.
Since we were down in So Cal a lot earlier than expected we explored LA a little before meeting up with my niece and nephew in San Diego . We got to see Murder House! I was so bummed that there was a large fence surrounding the entire house but it was so surreal to see in person. Josh and I totally fan girled .

  It’s been years since we’ve gotten to spend time with my niece and nephew and times have definitely changed since the last time.  I’m crying inside that my babies are now taller than me (which I’m sure they lapped me when they were both 10).  This was also Haidyn and Waymon’s first time meeting them. We keep in touch via Face time so the kids knew each other right off the bat. Apparently, I look taller on FT.

After our late lunch with the kids we headed back to Anaheim to check into our hotel and grab dinner in Downtown Disney before calling it a night. I don’t know what it is about Disneyland that makes a grown woman turn into a little girl in a matter of seconds but it’s outstanding. We ate a Torilla Jo’s everything was delicious especially the mango margarita! 


Our first day of Disney was a little hectic since we had to switch gears due to the Halloween events at Disneyland. The park closed early on two of the three days we were there so we spent our first day at California Adventure. Everyone had such a good time at the park. We hit up so many rides thanks to my brother Josh- srsly best Disney guru ever. Haidyn couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw so many characters she already knew. She even got to spend a little time with Anna and Elsa! We all got to be front and center for the Pixar parade and that was just about it for Haidyn. She could’ve died and went to heaven seeing all things Toy Story.  We also got to ride the Tower of Terror for the last time before it closes in January. That night we even got to see the World of Color for the first time and of course Haidyn wasn’t interested in water projected into the sky.

Our second day of Disney was our Star Wars Family Day.  We hit up almost every Land, but our main concern was seeing everything Star Wars and we totally did. Haidyn wasn’t a fan of Kylo Ren by any means but she got to ride a lot more of the rides here with us and she was so excited to do so. I was excited to finally see the parade on this side of the park. I even rode a roller coaster in which you can see I was thrilled the entire time.



By our third day of Disney, I think we were all Disney’ed out. Waymon and Jon spent the day riding California Screamin’ countless times while Josh, Haidyn and I spent the day chasing down characters. Haidyn was dressed as Princess Anna and got the royal treatment from everyone all day.  Literally, the kid wouldn't take of that dress !  Our third day also served as Waymon and my 11 year dating anniversary (we’re getting so old!). Love spending our anniversary in Disneyland. Our goal for our last day was to check out the frozen musical and it was marvelous. Disney is truly incredible and if you ever get a chance to see this show do it! We met up with my cousin Tiffany and her friend for dinner and catching up . This was Haidyn’s first time seeing her and I was so thankful that she came out to spend the day with us.


After our Disney extravaganza we headed over to Universal Studios. My agenda was strictly, Harry Potter and letting the boys ride all of the rides. I wanted to spend more time with Haidyn in all of the “kiddie” things . It was amazing how they created Hogwarts in California. I was blown away. I literally touched everything because it looked unreal. We ate like Wizards and witches and I was completed satisfied of our trip. Jon was in heaven with all the butterbeers he could drink. Haidyn got to meet Shrek and see Curious George. I got scared running through The Walking Dead and also realized that you do not want to be with me if there is a zombie apocalypse but take Waymon with you if need be. Josh was also the best tour guide to JURRASIC PARK.  The tram ride is also probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love seeing sets up close and personal. At the end of the tram ride, I was wondering why the hell Haidyn was scared of the flood scene and not completely terrified of the 3D King Kong and TRex coming after us. We’ve got a weird kid.

Our trip was nearing an end and all we wanted to do is relax. We spent the afternoon in Laguna Beach. I’ve been dying to go to LB since I was 15 after the show on MTV came out so you can only imagine my excitement. Haidyn was in heaven with all of the sand around her and we’re 98% sure that Waymon had too much fun with the waves.  We decided to spend that extra day in SD after LB to see the kids one last time for dinner.  


This vacation was everything we needed as family to come together to be a little closer than we were before. We were able to reset and recharge together and just enjoy our time together before we all had to go back to reality. I can’t wait for another vacation with my family. I’m glad that Haidyn got to see so much of her family and spend time with them.