Monday, September 15, 2014



I get the snooty looks from  the Mom's that read my blog when I pass them in the grocery store or in town all while they say , "Oh my god Jannine, you look soo good!" or "Oh my god, Jannine.. I don't know how you do that all!" ( INSERT MY EYE ROLL HERE) By now I'm use to it. At first, when I was adjusting to Mommy life I would take the latter comments offensively and bitch to Waymon about it. Waymon would always tell me to brush it off . Now, I take those comments in with a grain of salt and a glass of whatever alcoholic concoction Waymon decides to mix up.
Hey Bitchy Mom's, wanna know my secret? Get ready for it, here's my confession......  I don't do it all. I don't have this glamours life/secret of making it all look so easy. It's not easy. I struggle just as much as the next Mom. I didn't lose all of my baby weight when I wanted to. I don't get as much sleep as I'd like to. I don't always cook home cooked meals for my family. I don't clean my house as often as I should. Sometimes I get Haidyn out of her bed and let her cuddle with me in my bed so we can sleep an extra 10 minutes.  Sometimes I don't wash my hair when I really need to. And my work clothes always have a milk/food stains from Haidyn.  I'm normal just like everyone else in this world.
I've learned that having balance in life is much more important than doing it all.  Believe me, there's nothing more in this world I would rather be than Super Mom. Work all day and come home to be the perfect house wife, but I know that I will never be her. I can be the best Mom I know how to be. I do what I can, when I can for my sake as well as my family's . I learn more every day about life slowly,but surely. I don't pretend to be perfect. I don't pretend my kid is either. I just would rather focus on all of the good things that went right today than all of the thousand things that could have gone wrong. I don't have everything, I just make the most of everything that I do have. This life I'm living is exactly what I've always wanted and dreamed of.
I will never compare myself to other moms out there on who's better than whom. However, I will continuously seek help from other passionate Mom's out there willing to share there knowledge with me. I'm a Mom and I struggle daily to keep my sanity together and my hair in place. I've given up on my need to control everything and set aside my pride for this lifetime job. 
At the end of the day, all that I care about is that Haidyn is growing into a strong independent young woman and that I've shown her how much she's loved. So thank you condescending, uppity, eye rolling, judgmental, bitchy Moms out there for reassuring me that I'm doing exactly what I should be doing in this wonderful life I'm living as well as giving me an even thicker layer of skin.  

I love being a Mom. 


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