Sunday, September 28, 2014

DIY Baby Rice & Oatmeal

I didn't get to breastfeed Haidyn as long as I would have liked, so in part of my guilt I've made it my priority to make her food. It's important to me that I know what is going into her body to help her grow and thrive. I have a ton of rice stocked at home at all times, so why not make my own rice cereal? Also, I always have oatmeal so of course I made  her, her Oatmeal too! I don't spend extra money on her food because it's what I already have and use daily.

  1. Rice - I use organic brown rice. 
  2. Oatmeal

  1. Take rice ( start with a 1/4 cup) and grind in a food processor. - I used our bullet. 

  2. Take oatmeal ( start with a 1/4 cup) and blend in a good processor. -used our bullet here too. 
  3. ** Make sure that rice and oatmeal are ground fine enough for your little one. 
  4. Place each of them into an air tight container and store. 

Directions to make rice cereal & oatmeal :
- 2 tablespoons : 1/2 cup water- 

  1. Take 2 cups of water and bring to a boil,
  2. Drop in 8 tablespoons of rice/oatmeal and mix thoroughly.
  3. Place made rice/oatmeal into ice trays. - I used baby trays for this. 
  4. Store these in the fridge. 
Ready made cereal/oatmeal will last a week. Make sure that you label it correctly in your fridge! 


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