Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sausage Ratataouille

I was given fresh beautiful vegetables and decided that it would go perfect with ratatouille.! However, a dish full of veggies doesn't fly in our home so I added Italian sausage . It came out beautifully.  The house smelled divine with the roasting vegetables. I wish I had a garden of my own, but that's for another day...soon :)


  1. 1 tablespoon garlic
  2. 3 yellow squashes
  3. 1 large eggplant 
  4. 1 medium onion 
  5. 1 lb Italian Sausage
  6. 1 can tomato paste
  7. 1 can sauce
  8. 1 can crushed tomatoes
  9. 1 1/2 teaspoons oregano


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 
  2. In a medium sauce pan, brown Italian sausage, drain and set aside.

  3. In the same pan saute garlic and onions until lucid. 
  4. Mix in tomato sauce, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes and seasonings ( add in 1 can of water) 
  5. Stir mixture and add in sausage bring to a simmer. 
  6. While the sauce is simmering ( lightly) slice the eggplants, zucchini and yellow squash. * you can use a mandolin for this too. 
  7. In a circular casserole dish layer the bottom with the sauce mixture. 
  8. On top of the sauce, alternate layering the veggies around the dish. You can overlap the veggies so that you can see the beautiful colors of all of the veggies. 
  9. Drizzle olive oil and S&P
  10. Once all the veggies are in this dish layer on some more sauce. 
  11. Cut parchment paper to the size of your dish and cover with foil, making a tent out of the foil. 
  12. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes covered and an extra 10 minutes uncovered to add in mascarpone cheese or Parmesan cheese or both! 


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