Sunday, September 14, 2014

Haidyn 5 Months!

LENGTH: 25 inches

-Eating her new foods! She loves sweet potatoes and bananas.
-Putting EVERYTHING in her mouth ( I know it won't be the end of this...)
-Giving kisses. She will grab your face to give you a kiss,
-Looking at herself in the mirror. She'll talk to herself. (Conceited little thing ;) )
-Waking up Daddy up on the weekends. She will talk and scratch him until he wake up.
-Trying to crawl. She will kick her legs so hard!
-Trying to feed herself.

-Bedtime. She will cry and whine as soon as we lay her down for bed. She gets sad that she's not up with us.
-Sitting in a high chair. She wants to sit with everyone else.
-Hearing the blender when Mommy makes her rice cereal.
-Trying to crawl. She's so mad that she can't crawl haha!
-Sitting in her Bumbo properly, she has to be turned to the side in it. Don't ask me how she does it, she just does.

-ROLLING OVER!!! I was jumping and screaming when she did it.
-Playing with her feet
-Blowing raspberries at everyone.
-Waving toys around

-The Great Reno Balloon Race
-Hiking Mount Rose w/ family
-Meeting cousins!
-Rib Cook-off
-Tseya's 10th bday!
-Eating fruits/veggies
-Second visit at Arrow!


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