Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Month 4 Favorites!

Another round of favorites! Haidyn is becoming more and more active, Her favorite things are the things that right now she be without. 

  1. Skip Hop Activity Mat- She loves to explore the mat while she's on her tummy or if she's just laying there. The mat is great at keeping her entertained. 
  2. Avent 9oz bottles- Now that she's beginning to eat more we had to ditch the 4 oz bottle and upgrade to a bottle that can hold more. We chose the Avent because of the design of the nipple ( what she's use to) and because she can easily hold the bottle alone. 
  3. Bumbo seat w/Tray- She's trying to learn how to sit and to eat solid foods, so this seat duo helped us tons. Without the tray she could sit on the counter, table or the floor to hang out and just explore/Facetime with Uncle Jon. She really enjoys finding her feet too! With the tray, we put toys in front of her so that she can play with them or use it as a high chair for her to eat. 
  4. Lamaze Dinosaur- She's a sucker for anything that will hang and dangle in her car seat or stroller. We named our little dinosaur Reptar! We chose it because of all the activities that can be done with him, plus she loves his tail. 
  5. First Stars Cookbook- She will not go anywhere without this cookbook. She is very attached to it because of the noisey material of the book and the teethers on it.  It is really cute that she has to "read it" everyday. Waymon teases her that she better be good at cooking the foods in there because she reads it everyday . 
  6. Activity Balls- Once you lay her on the floor she will go through great lengths to find this toy. I think it's because of all the bright colors. It's such a simple toy that she loves. 
  7. Skip Hop Stroller Organizer- This one is for me. :) Since my stroller didn't come with an attachment like this I had to buy one. It wasn't a downside of the stroller at all. Britax does carry this organizer, but I liked Skip Hop's better. There is so much room in it that I don't know what to do with it all. 
  8. Ergo Baby Carrier- This was given to us by my cousin Ellie. We don't go out without this carrier. It has space for all of my things and holds babies up to 30 lbs facing you! 


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