Monday, July 31, 2017

21 Day Fix Extreme |Week One

I started this year off with 21DF and now that I’ve come so far to start another 21DF is amazing to me. I’m living proof that this program works. Right now the extreme program is kicking my ass! I have no idea how I’m gathering the strength to get myself out of bed with how sore I am every single day. This week was a rough work week as well as personal week. We had so many things going on that it was difficult to stay on top of working out, but I did it anyway even if I had to double up on days. Note to self; don’t skip a workout ever again.  I doubled up twice this week which was the stupidest thing to do in a program like this. I’m struggling for an hour and definitely not worth skipping.  My meals have been on point with exception of the weekend, of course my weakness. Instead of getting down on myself I’m moving through my weakness and trying better this upcoming week. This upcoming will be a lot better. I’m better prepared this week to tackle all of the hurdles to come as well as having my game face on! Week two will be rough but I’m ready for it. I can’t wait to see my results!!


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