Thursday, December 22, 2016

''Tis the Season

One of my favorite traits that Haidyn inherited from me is my love for the holidays.  You can’t imagine the obsession this girl has with everything during this time of the year. I love seeing her light up every time someone brings up Santa, she sees a “chicken tree” or when she sings “jingle bells heyy” repeatedly for everyone on our street to hear. She's convinced that Santa should never leave her. I’m hoping that her love for this time of year never goes away. When I see her excitement, I always feel like I’ve done something right.  Do you ever get that feeling? I don’t think anything beats that feeling. 

Now I have a partner in crime during this time of the year. I finally don’t feel alone in obsessing over the holidays.   Right now, she loves everything and anything that involves snow and Christmas. At school, they decorate for every holiday and she loves pointing out all the snowmen on the wall and the snow flakes.
I thought it’d be fun to ask her about her favorite time of year. I’m sure this will embarrass her years from now, but her answers are priceless! 


What do you want for Christmas ?

What is your favorite part about Christmas?
Haidyn : Daft one chicken trees . ( That one Christmas Tree) 

Do you know where Santa lives?
Haidyn : Um .. Yeah he lives . 

Do you know the names of Santa’s reindeer?
Haidyn : starts crying about horses . 

What do you want to make Santa for Christmas?
Haidyn :  Silence


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