Tuesday, December 27, 2016

OMG This is my Favorite... Christmas

Christmas didn’t feel like Christmas this year because we didn’t get to spend it with Jon, but we made the most of it regardless. Crazy how different this time of year feels without him.  This was the first year that Haidyn kind of understood what the heck was going on. She loved all the lights, Santa Claws and the little snow we got Christmas morning. She was thrilled that to wake up knowing Santa dropped of her presents for her, even if she was a naughty girl the night before.  She’s spent weeks telling everyone around her “Merry Kissmas” as if it were a “thank you”.  

No matter what she got for Christmas she always said, “OMG Mama this is my favvvorite “. How could you not melt after her saying that? Her actual favorites from her presents we the little bikes we got her a multicolored hair brush that also came with her need to brush everyone’s hair.

We had such a good Christmas, but I couldn’t wait to take down all of the decorations. No joke, I took down everything in an hour after we opened everything on Christmas day. Your girl doesn’t mess around. I’m happy to have my house back even though I’m was a little sad to see it all go. The holidays are almost over and I can’t believe it came and went with a blink of an eye.


Hoping all of you had a wonderful Christmas.


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