Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

The suitable title for this blog is “The No Picture Thanksgiving” but since I took some pictures that can’t really be the title. Now, with that being said I took almost no pictures this past weekend. I had 4 ½ days with my babes and didn’t bother to take pictures. Waymon says it’s because we were enjoying our time as a family and I think he’s right. I’m usually always behind the camera trying to capture every moment that I’m never IN the moment. The little pictures I did take captured my girls at their best . Playing together and having the time of their lives. 


This holiday season was probably the best we’ve ever had. We ate too much,  we laughed , danced like crazy people, decorated the house for Christmas and enjoyed each others company. We even woke up to a little snow Sunday morning which made my entire weekend. Because if you know me I love a little snow all thanks to GG . ( Can I also get an amen for the GG revival I totally binged for 6 hours).  This has been the best weekend ever! I’m hoping Christmas is this relaxing!

Happy Monday!


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