Thursday, April 14, 2016

Happy 2nd Birthday Haidyn!

Happy second birthday to the love of my life. 
Thank you for teaching me to become a better person and a better mother for you. 
 Thank you for brightening each and every day as well as bringing so much joy everyone around you.

 You have no idea how happy you make everyone including your Ate Sass and Rory.
 I cannot imagine a world without you and thankful that I never have to.
 I’m so glad you’re here as my best friend.


Watching you grow into the beautiful soul you are today makes me so proud to be your Mama. 
My wish for you is to conquer this next year like you did the last and strive for anything and everything you want in this world. 
You will do it. You can do it. 
And I will be behind you every step of the way.  
 I love you oh so much Haidyn.
 Happy Birthday Anak.


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