Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Haidyn's 2nd Birthday | Lilo & Stitch Theme

Nevada’s weather has been insane this year so we decided not to chance it and book a place indoors for Haidyn’s birthday. I didn’t like the idea at first because it didn’t feel like we did much except pay for people to set it all up, but when it came down to it I was extremely glad we did. I didn’t do much for the party except for order invites; bake a cheesecake and cupcakes for everyone. We’re hoping that this will be our last year throwing a party outside our home (keep your fingers crossed for us). This year we went with a Lilo & Stitch theme. Haidyn is obsessed with her “Stitch”, so we decided that this theme would be perfect. Netflix also helped us out in putting all the Lilo & Stitch movies up. (Seriously, thank you Netflix for occupying my child with Stitch for countless hours .We have now watched every single movie more times than we can count on all of her fingers and toes)  
** Of course, my child was too wild for me to take a picture of her in her dress **

Our party was held at Paradise Fun Cove Center where the children could bounce off the walls (literally) . I don't know if we could've picked a better location for the kids to run and play. Waymon and I had fun "chasing" Haidyn in the bounce houses as well. We also encouraged all the other parents to do the same with their kids. Our family and friends came to celebrate Haidyn on her big day. She was so happy to see everyone and we were just as happy to see everyone.  We had pizza, Dickey's BBQ, Mango Lime Cheesecake , Mango and Coconut Cupcakes. Everyone left stuffed and with tired kids. Second birthday is in the books . My baby girl is no longer a baby .



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