Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Haidyn's Day Off From School

Haidyn’s school shut down yesterday morning which of course, through all of us through a loop. I don’t usually mind her having to spend the day with me but since we’re days away from her birthday her day off from school doubled as a “I need to get shit done “day. Waymon and I juggled everything so that Haidyn could be dropped off at my work and we could spend the day together doing what needed to be done. I switched my dentist appointment to fit us in on a god awful Monday. Needless to say, the trip was pleasant. Haidyn was so curious of everything (this was the first time ever she sat foot in a dentist office). She sat down in a chair right beside me with her tablet, Mowgz, snacks and TV blaring Doc McStuffins while I got my teeth cleaned. She didn’t squirm too much until it sounded like the instruments in my mouth were hurting me from the cleaning. She squeezed my hand to make sure I was okay.  

After the dentist, I decided to treat my girl to a Thai food lunch. I spotted a Thai place as we pulled into the dentist’s parking lot and you know I had to go there for lunch. I ordered the Spicy Chicken Basil for Haidyn and I to share. She wasn’t a big fan of the chicken all she wanted to my surprise was the vegetable soup that came as an appetizer. She polished off mine and her bowl! (Girl was hungry apparently). 

Lunch ended; therefore Haidyn was crabby and was in desperate need of a nap. We rushed home and I laid her down. She slept for a glorious 3 hours and do you know what I did instead of all the unwanted chores around the house? I laid down in bed with Rory and Sass and watched a damn movie! That’s a rarity in my life where I can actually lay down and watch a movie uninterrupted. It was ammmmmmmazing.  Rory and Sass got a long enough for me to take a nap and watch Larry Crowne and I couldn’t have been happier. 

Haidyn woke up so we had a cheese stick snack before we started to make Rory some treats. I don’t know what it is about Rory but she doesn’t take to store bought treats that much so I took it upon myself to pinterest some puppy treats. Haidyn loved rolling out the down and mixing everything. She had to taste test just about everything (good thing everything we made she can eat too).
Since our dinner was leftovers from the night before, I figured we’d be able to walk for a little bit to get everyone out of the house and keep myself sane. Rory doesn’t go many places since she still is a pup but I am trying to get her to go outside even if it’s to the parking lot of our complex for some Vitamin D. I braved a little walk up our street and back.  We didn’t get too far before Rory had to be carried home and Haidyn was bored out of our mind. Our “walk” consisted of me dragging two girls uphill for what should’ve been a 5 min walk. It took us 30 minutes to and from our destination but everyone was tuckered out. Insert raising hands emoji here.  To everyone concerned about Rory being outside this young, she does have her shots and she is in Haidyn’s stroller most of the time.  Now, back to reality for me for the rest of the week. 


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