Monday, October 27, 2014

Week in Pictures : Toll House Pumpkin Patch

Our second attempt to get Haidyn a pumpkin this year was another bust! It's not as bad as it sounds , I promise. Last Sunday we went to the local pumpkin patch in Reno. We didn't know which one was better than the other, but we ended up on choosing this one because we were heading to that part of town.

Haidyn was thrilled to see all the kids running around at the different events. People watching is kind of her thing at the moment. She enjoyed checking everything out with Daddy from the pumpkins to the small amount of vendors that were there.

Haidyn also got to pose with her pumpkins ! Even though most of them were already ruined. She touched everything at the Pumpkin patch simply because she could. So very curious.

Haidyn got to see their small petting zoo of donkeys, horses, chickens and piglets.

All in all, I hope next year we have better luck with our pumpkin search.


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