Friday, October 3, 2014

DIY Baby food

Making baby food isn't difficult at all and I don't mind doing it. I think of it as making Haidyn dinner from scratch, no different as I would make Waymon and myself dinner. So the excuse of, it takes "too much time" isn't plausible here.  Like I said in my last baby food post, I really want to control want Haidyn eats. It's very important to me that she gets what she needs from the foods she eats.
Haidyn is a food lover! She's very interested in trying everything and anything. She enjoys the seasonings of everything too. I add cinnamon to almost all of her fruit ( that's her favorite ) and a little salt and pepper to her veggies.  She likes fruits, but loves her veggies! I'm thankful that she's ready to eat all of the beautiful vegetables that are in season right now. We have tons of food her now and I never have to step foot in the baby isle for those jars.


  1. Peel all of the skin from your veggies/fruits as well as getting rid of all of the seeds

  2. Steam the veggies/fruits for about 15-20 minutes. ( This makes them easier to puree)

  3. Take your baby blender ( Mine is KIDCO from my awesome cousin Ellie:]) and blend away

  4. Place all of pureed food into ice cube trays and chill for about 5 hours ( more depending on the veggie/fruit)
  5. Place all foods into separate labeled bags for easy storing.
** Once you're little one is ready to eat food cube into the microwave for about 30 seconds, stir around and add in the rice/oatmeal ( link for my recipe here ), add seasonings and serve! 

Now that we've expanded on her foods this is all of them she eats ! 


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