Thursday, April 3, 2014

Watermelon Week

How far along?  38 weeks.... 14 days and counting. 

Total weight gain/loss: 147 lbs this week. +0.8lbs up from last week and an overall gain of +28.5lbs.  

Maternity clothes?  Belly band :) 

Stretch marks? Same ol' marks. 

Sleep: I'm sleeping ehh.. okay this week. I'm getting up more to go to the bathroom and that in itself is a struggle.  

Best moments this week:
Having our little family hang out in baby girl's room last night. I read to her. Daddy talked to and kissed her. Sass was listening to her. We are all equally excited to have her here with us. 

Miss anything?  I miss seeing my feet right now. Along with that... I miss not having to huff and puff from point A to point B. 

Movement: I was telling Waymon the other night that I swear she is "Pop, Lock & Droppin" it in my stomach. This girl is always doing something crazy. 

Food cravings: More and more fluids for me. I'm always parched. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular. Last night/early this morning I was sick to my stomach out of nowhere.

Gender: baby girl

Labor signs: I'm not quite sure at this point. My back has sharp pains every so often. My pelvis is sore. That's all that I can think of. I'm also not going to make her come out any faster than she has to. I'm content with whenever she decides to come out.  

Symptoms: Lots of Braxton Hicks. Lightening? I guess is the word. I can breathe a lot better now. :D 

Belly button in or out? In! 

Wedding rings on or off? On, but it's so loose now.  

Happy or moody most of the time:  VERY VERY HAPPY! I could literally explode from it! 

Looking forward to:  Meeting my baby girl. 


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