Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pumpkin Week

How far along?  39 weeks . 7 more days....unless she decides to debut later :( We really just want to meet her already! 

Total weight gain/loss: 147.6 lbs this week. +0.6lbs up from last week and an overall gain of +29.1lbs.  

Maternity clothes?  Belly band and belly belt :) 

Stretch marks? The marks are underneath my belly (like before) and now creeping up above my belly button due to her dropping. 

Sleep: I would honestly just love a nap. I can't seem to catch one even if I wear myself out. Sleeping at night is starting to be a struggle due to my belly being so big. 

Best moments this week:I've had two moments this week: 
1. Baby girl is head down when we went to the doctor. She is unfortunately big for me. Hence the stretch marks. She's estimating at 7lbs and 13oz. If that really is her weight... I'm blaming my husband. :) She is healthy and happy in my belly. I am scared of the latter since I really want her out now so that she can meet her Uncle Jon before he leaves. Time will tell. I thought that she'd have my grandma's birthday (April 11th) , but at this point I think she may be making her debut a little late. 
2.Hearing that my Mom is cancer free. After 13 years of doctors appointments. I couldn't believe it when she told me the news. I wanted to cry, but I knew that she would start crying too. I AM SO HAPPY for my mom. I remember the day that she told me had cancer and I didn't know what to do. Every day was a struggle for her. I remember helping her in any which way I could help her. I remember when she asked me to shave her head for her because she was losing all of her hair. I remember seeing her under go treatment and holding her hand. She never cried nor did she complain about how hard it was. She went to work everyday and didn't take any time off. We didn't treat her any different because that's what she asked us to do. And now, I only wish I could have half of the strength she has. It's unbelievable looking back at all of it now. My mom is truly amazing. 

Miss anything?  I miss peeing normally. 

Movement: She's active early in the morning and at night. She favors the left side of my belly. I look like an alien haha. 

Food cravings: I'm over eating food. I just don't enjoy it as much as I use to. I'd rather drink gallons of water. And no I'm not starving myself...I just know when I'm full. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope nothing! 

Gender: baby girl wells

Labor signs: I've had a quite a few sharp back pains. A little pain in my belly- baby contractions. Nothing really major. Lightening definitely. Her head is down and in position already and I can feel ALL of the pressure. OH and TONS of Braxton Hicks! 

Symptoms: Feet swelling a bit, rush of blood to my hands and feet, chubby face, dry skin, nausea, constantly peeing, tired, blurred vision.... at this point I'm just very pregnant. 

Belly button in or out? In... but there's almost no belly button hole. haha it's really funny. 

Wedding rings on or off? On, but it's so loose now.  

Happy or moody most of the time:  VERY VERY HAPPY! I could literally explode from it! 

Looking forward to:  Meeting my baby girl hopefully soon! 


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