Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I was told from a great friend/mentor/second mother that when things get dark I need to think about what I'm thankful for everyday. I should jot down three little things everyday so that I can remind myself of why my life is so good.  The smallest thing could make my day and I should be thankful for those small things because they create the BIG picture.

Today I am thanful for:

01. "I HEART LIFE" podcast with Yvette Brown
02. My loving husband for all of  his support
03. My homemade coconut shrimp with spaghetti squash for lunch :) - YUM!

As I was listening to "I HEART LIFE" this morning Yvette's challenge was to take 3 deep breathes before speaking when stress is upon you. This works for no matter what the situation may be. This challenge is so that we don't react blindly for anything. How brilliant is to think of reacting this way? It definitely takes think before you speak to a new level. In a week, I'll check back on how I actually did on this challenge. Hoping that the latter will do,  but until then.....

Peace & Love



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