Saturday, June 14, 2014

Haidyn Two Months!

Happy Two Months Baby Girl!

LENGTH: 22 3/4 inches

-Getting her butt washed after blowouts.- She's extremely calm during this process.. weird I know. 
-Falling asleep in Mommy's arms. 
-Mommy and Daddy singing to her. 
-Playing with her fingers.
-Moving her arms.
-Having her feet rubbed.
-Going to school with Ms. Pattie!
-Standing with Daddy.
-Outside time with her friends at school.
- Sticking her tongue out! 

-Mondays. She has a bit of a rough time transitioning back into routine after we've gone out all weekend/seeing her grandparents. 
-Getting her nose cleaned by Daddy.
-Sleeping when people are around her. She needs to be awake when things are happening.
-The minute you put her in her tub for bath time. 
-The minute you take her out of her tub after bath time. 

-Found her voice. And it's getting louder and louder. 
-Smiles at you, when you smile at her. 
-Moves her head from side to side when she's on her back.
-Slept 8 hours through the night!!
-Grasps your fingers/toys when they're in her reach.
-Open and closes hand throughout the day. 
-Follows objects once they are put in front of her. 

-Babysat for the first time by Grandma Esther, Grandma Barb and Grandpa Ray:)
-Grandma Tracey's Silver State 50/50
-Went to 1 month check up.
-First day of Daycare!
-Mommy went back to work. 

Kisses with Grandma Lola

First day of school!

Funny selfie with mommy
Outside time with Auntie Stace

Outside time with Mommy

Trying to hold her bottle all by herself

Holding her toys!

Talking to Daddy

Playing with her toys

Standing with Daddy


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