Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Haidyn One Month!

I can't believe how fast time is flying. Our baby girl is now 1 month!

LENGTH: 21 inches

NICKNAMES: "Bean", "BeanBean", Bayne, "Wheezy"

-Music... ANY kind. This girl definitely doesn't like the quiet.
-Having her dance. She has her own dance that I made up. "Go Bean!" Dance :)
-Washing her hair. She loves when Daddy washes her hair.
-Being talked to. It doesn't matter what you're talking about she WILL listen.
-Walks with Mommy :)

-Pooping/Farting- poor girl gets embarrassed when she does it.
-Putting on lotion.- It's a struggle for her, but hey who wants dry skin?
-Socks/Mittens! - She will kick her socks off as fast as you put them on her feet.
-Cleaning out her nose. -Daddy doesn't mess around with boogers!

-She recognizes faces now. Her eyes will follow yours.
-She raises her head during burpings as well as during tummy time.
-She can last about 2 minutes during tummy time.
- She put herself on a routine of waking every 2-3 hours during the day to feed/ get changed/nap.
-She sleeps 3-5 hours during the night!
-She can eat up to 4 oz in one sitting.
-She transitioned from sleeping in our room to her room in 3 1/2 weeks!!
-No nipple confusion.

-First blow out led to first bath.
-Umbilical cord fell off !
-My first Easter!
-Said good bye to Uncle Jon as he went to basic training.
-Celebrated Mother's Day with Mommy


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