Sunday, December 31, 2017

27 & The Year of Yes

I'm 27 ya'll! ! I know it's taboo to let everyone in on your age, but I don't care! I'm not shy at all about how many years I've circle the moon. Remember when I read that amazing book at the beginning of the year that changed my mindset forever? If you don't , check it out here. I'm sure if you've followed me on social media I've done some major growing up and finding myself this past year. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to do the same. The entire book goes through saying "yes" to everything that scares you for an entire year. That's exactly what I did. I'm a total chicken shit when it comes to a lot of things. I hype myself up for no reason and chicken out before I do just about anything in my life. It really hindered me from doing everything fun and I really hated that. I stopped myself from living my life just because I was scared. I told myself to woman up and change that. I was scared shitless this entire year. I couldn't say no to anything ( I mean I could've, but I made myself say yes) because I wanted to be more fun and exciting.  Who the hell doesn't want to do that? On this list, I've even included anything that I've never wanted to do before even if it didn't scare me .

  1. Started my beach body program 
  2. Ran CRAZY RUN 5 K
  3.  Jumped off of ledge at Fly High Trampoline Park 
  4. Survived Slaughterhouse Reno 
  5. Started on my sleeve 
  6.  Follow up on my sleeve ( I'm now too addicted)
  7. Called into the radio station and won tickets to a comedy show
  8.  Ran 5th Annual Turkey Trot - Fernley
  9. Applied for a new position for a promotion at work. 
  10.  Went to a comedy concert - Jo Koy!
  11.  Started whole 30 and completed it!
  12. Let loose with the family.  
  13. Oct Dressed up as a power ranger (It was an extremely very tight dress) 
  14. Watched IT in theaters . ( I don't watch scary movies!)
  15. Watched the original IT.  
  16. Saying 'No' to events that I didn't want to go to. 
  17. Cutting out toxic people out of my life without guilt. 
  18. Creating a book list and finished reading XX books this year. 
  19. Went to several KaiaFit classes w/out hesitation w/ my mother in law 
  20. Went to several Piloxing class w/ a friend. 
  21. Watching  new shows out of my comfort zone (i.e GOT) 
  22. Getting a double cartilage piercing 
  23. Dying my hair pink  and blue!
  24. Putting my true self out there on social media, without censoring myself
  25. Stuck to a Meal program for most of this year. 
  26. Going to a night club and danced like no one was watching.
  27. Jumped off of a platform . 

Now, that I've completed an entire year of YES I feel like a different person. I feel like the person I've always seen myself to be. I love the person I've grown into this year. I'm so much more fun and lively than I've ever been and I feel like I'm finally living .  It's taken my 27 years to feel like this and feel like I've broken my own mold. At the beginning of this year, I knew that this book and way of thinking would change me but I didn't know the full extent that it would change me. 2017 kicked my ass and tore me down. I didn't think I was going to get back up this year, if we're being brutally honest with one another, but I'm so glad that I rose up after being torn down. Now my year of YES will turn into my life of YES. I never want to settle on being average. I want more. I want to experience more and do more than I ever have. I have 26 years to make up for !

Jingle All the Way

This past Christmas was probably our best one yet ( minus the fact that we were missing Rory). We even had our own friendmas with my girlfriend's family. Haidyn and I finally have mutually friends and it's pretty awesome. 

We spent our Christmas weekend out at my in laws as we try to do every year . Our own Christmas decor was down before we even left. We had a very low key Christmas . We drank and ate too much, but I'm not at all complaining. We spent a lot of time with the family . 

There was NO drama and NO fighting. If you know my family, that's some rare shit. (Obviously, not my extended family). It felt so weird with everyone and not fighting over the phone with at least someone. This was exactly how Christmas is suppose to feel. This is how I've always envisioned Christmas to be like. 

It honestly didn't feel like Christmas to me, but I knew I had to keep some of the spirit a live with Haidyn. I did my best and got her a elf on the shelf this year. Holy shit, was that thing a pain in the ass. I salute all of you parents out there that take the time to make sure that your elf does something spectacular for when your kid wakes up every single morning. Haidyn was lucky if that elf moved an inch throughout the house. I will say though that her elf motivated her to stay behaved. Haidyn had a weekend in which she was just so awful that her elf "Tonka" didn't even show up for that an entire weekend. Our kid isn't a bad kid, but when she's being a shit it gets pretty rough. All in all Haidyn had a wonderful time with her elf and Christmas. She loves this time of year and I intended to keep it that way. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Oh Lolai Wells

On Decemebr 5th we lost a big piece of our family, Haidyn’s partner in crime and my very best friend. It’s taking everything in me to write this post for all of you. Honestly, it took me a week to do it because I couldn't get all of my thoughts and emotions down quick enough without crying.  Explaining to Haidyn that Rory will not be with her anymore will probably be one of the hardest conversations I will have with her. She still doesn’t truly understand what happened or why it happened  - shit neither do I, but I’m glad that our Rory is in her a better place wherever she is. I hope that she knows how truly loved she really is and will always be.

I saw Rory on a facebook ad and I KNEW that I needed to have her in my life. I remember immediately texting Waymon a picture of her and told him I don’t care what we need to do but I’m getting this sweet dog. I never really had a dog before so for me to feel like this towards a dog was weird. I was attracted to her. Waymon knew how much I wanted her, even if it would mean I would do most of the work with having both girls but I didn’t give a shit. It was a rough time but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Like any other dog, Rory was the biggest pain in my ass. But she was the best thing that ever happened to our little family. She gave us a reason to smile every morning waking up to her nosey little self. She always loved more than anything else and protective when she needed to be.  She was the best little big sister to Haidyn and I'm devastated that they don't get to grow up together a little longer as we planed, but I know if she would've had a choice to stay with us she'd be here today with us.

I would give anything to bring my girl back. She can eat all my stupid shoes, Haidyn's toys, lipsticks that she wants if only that would bring her home.Thank you Rory for all of the best times in the time that you were with us. You are so loved sweet girl.

Rest in Peace baby girl Mama, Daddy, Haidyn and Sassafras love you. 
Lorelai "Rory" Gilmore Wells 02/08/16 - 12/05/17

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

The holidays are always so stressful for me. The plan leading up to the holidays seems so seamless, executing the plan is another story. I usually forget something important for the dinner, there is a rip the outfit that I’ve chosen for family pictures or someone ends up fighting . I dread the holidays because of the last thing. It takes everything in me to keep sane during the holidays but the fighting just sends me through the roof and has be questioning why even celebrate in the first place. But this year, was different. Holy shit, was it different! For the first time in what seemed like forever we had the perfect thanksgiving WEEKEND. Oh yeah, you read that right . I had the perfect thanksgiving weekend. It was everything that you’ve ever wanted from the holiday season and more.

We planned the food perfectly, we made sure to set sometime aside for family and we ate until our hearts and bellies were more than content. There was no fighting whatsoever throughout the entire weekend , that even includes us not fighting with Haidyn (that’s a rarity since my little angel has the temper of her Daddy and patience like her Mama). We headed out to Hootsee and Papa's Wednesday after work. Haidyn was already counting down the days to see them since last week.

Our first order of business was prepping all of our food the night before Thanksgiving, eating all the cool whip just because and getting ready for a nice 4 mile run . Don't get your hopes up, Waymon is retired from running so I ran with my MIL. I grew up in Fernley, but I don't think I've ever really appreciated my little home town until recently. My 4 mile run was beautiful. I wish that Rory was behaved enough to run it with me.

After our run , we visited Haidyn's great grandma for a pre-thanksgiving snack fest. She was so excited to be out in Nixon with some of her cousins. Any time this kid can get outside and run a little she will take advantage of it , but I'm glad that she does. After our visit, we started our own thanksgiving . We had all the fixings you could imagine and then some. I personally ate all of my FIL's ceviche until there was no more. Yeah I overindulged, so what?

 Everyone had a plate of food (maybe more) and sat down to watch the Chargers kick some Cowboy ass. ( I should also warn you that I'm a football fan now, but not a fan of the Chargers sorry Jon!!) Speaking of Jon, my Thanksgiving was made when I got that surprise face-time from him. I haven't facetimed with him in such a long time, I almost forgot what he looked like. :)

We headed back home on Saturday to catch up on the house chores we've been slacking on, but also to lay around the house even more. Sunday we got the courage to finally go outside and do something! The weather was awful, but we managed to watch Coco. If you haven't seen it, YOU MUST GO NOW!

After a weekend of actual relaxation, family bonding and eating non-stop I didn't want to go back to work. Can you blame me? The holidays are so stressful, but I'm so glad that I got this time to actually spend time with my family. I hope your Thanksgiving was just as wonderful.