If you're looking for an alternative to past this is squash receipe is perfect for you. I love making this for my family because it literally takes five minutes to prep and you just let it do it's thing until your ready! It's versatile and it's good for you! I never feel bad eating a ton of it. I've even tricked my little one into thinking it's pasta. I have to set aside leftovers of this squash because it's always gone before I know it.
- Spaghetti squash
- Salt and pepper (to taste)
- Olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 400°F and halve squash lengthwise.
- Using a spoon to scoop out and discard seeds.
- Place squash on baking sheet.
- Drizzle with olive oil and season with S&P.
- Place in oven and bake for 35-40 minutes (Depending on size of squash you may need to bake up to 1 hour)
- Remove squash from oven and rake a fork back and forth
across the squash to remove its flesh in strands. It will look exactly like
spaghetti! (You may eat it just like this
or create your favorite pasta dish using the squash as your noodles).