Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fourth of July Weekend

Heaven on earth to me is when I get to spend entire days with my family and that’s exactly what I did this past Fourth of July weekend. I didn’t stress, actually I had no care in the world with exception to being present with my family. Our days were spent soaking up the sun, getting sand between our toes, dipping those toes into Pyramid Lake and not giving two shits about my ceviche and wine consumption. Getting away for those three days made a huge difference for our family. Waymon and I have been working non-stop and the weekend we finally got to unwind. I even slept in until 7:35am. (Yup, you read that right Jannine stopped being an overbearing control freak for the weekend).  

Waymon and I packed up the girls to head to Wadsworth Saturday morning and everyone knew exactly where we were going. The girls freaked as soon as we pulled up to my in-laws’ house. Haidyn got right to playing outside with both of the dogs. We found out this weekend that the dogs have been lying to all of us when they seem to not get along. I caught them hanging out with each other while everyone was busy inside.  We figured they had to keep their affection to a minimum to keep up with the facade of them “hating” each other.

This year was special for us since this was the first year Haidyn got to see the fireworks. She was pretty impressed with them to say the least. If you ask her what fireworks do she’ll tell you that they go “BOOM!” which went hand in hand with her new phrase of “OH YEAH”. You can only imagine how funny the entire weekend was with those two phrases being replayed over and over again. Haidyn also got to meet all of her Wright uncles. She was just as excited to see them as they were to her. Haidyn ran around with her cousins, she kept up for a little bit until she finally gave up and threw a fit to go to sleep. Kudos to her for staying up til 10:00 pm. I was also hanging on by a thread at that time as well so I can’t blame a girl. 

Now, it’s back to reality for all of us and we’re already ready to head back to the lake for more time in the sun. Thank god we get to go back this Saturday!


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