Saturday, July 16, 2016

Big News!

We can finally share with all of you the news that we’ve been keeping on the DL for quite some time now. It’s been killing us ( mainly me because I'm dramatic) to not tell anyone.  We’ve moved! (Seriously, insert the hallelujah choir here. No more stealing my car space!!!! ) We bought our very first home in the city we love the most and we couldn’t be happier. We now get to plant some roots down and finally settle down in a place that is ours!

Our quiet little home is just that little, but it’s perfect for our family. Waymon and I contemplated on the type of home we wanted and at the end of the day we wanted a simple, clean place that we didn’t have to fix up. We closed two weeks ago and we fell in love with this place as soon as we walked in.  Funny thing is, we bid on a place similar to this one and our hearts sank when we were outbid. Little did we know that another similar home would come up and with all of the upgrades we would've had to put into the previous home. As soon as I saw Haidyn feel like home and so happy in it, I knew this was the right home for us. 

We’re so blessed to call this home ours and excited that we get to share a little piece of our heart with all of you. This home is everything we wanted since we were 14 and we’re still in disbelief we're homeowners together as we envisioned many moons ago.  We’re looking forward to all of our future holidays as a family together, Jon coming home to our forever home and ultimately watching our girls grow up together in our home.

 Thank you to everyone that helped us during our transition. It means the world to us that you took the time out of your day to help us settle in.  A special thank you has to go out to our parents, who supported us in our dreams 110%. This wouldn’t be possible without you guys. Now, to relax for the first time in months with a huge glass of any kind of alcohol I can get my hands on!