Friday, January 8, 2016

Uncle Jon is Home the Holidays

Every year, I count down the days that I will be able to see my little brother again. Something in me just starts the countdown and I can't help but get excited. Haidyn has not inherited my excitedness. ( I know that's not a word, but go with it. ) We haven't seen Jon since last Christmas so we've missed him dearly. The weekly face time dates are always nice, but don't compare to him being home and poking jokes at me and Haidyn.


This visit was the first time he was able to really spend time with Haidyn. Last year, she was too little and didn't/ couldn't hang out with people that much. This year, she didn't care if I was in the room just as long as her Uncle was there with her. The first week he was here I had to work and he was on babysitting duty. I was terrified that she was going to be bad, but sure enough she was so well behaved. They hung out all day and spent time just playing with whatever she wanted . Haidyn not only got to hang out with Uncle Jon, but she got to hang out with Uncle Josh too!



While they were both in town, we made a habit of waking up just to see them. Haidyn was their alarm clock- poor things. We got to do everything together from celebrating Papa Lolo's birthday, Christmas, visting Reno's hot spots, playing in the snow and my birthday. I couldn't believe how much fun we all had with the short amount of time they were here. It was so amazing finally taking a mini vacation to spend with them. The week I took off for the holidays was the first time I've had off since giving birth! Every second of it was worth it! 



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