Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Christmas 2015

Now, that the holidays are over and everyone is settling back into reality I finally got to upload our wonderful holiday pictures. Btw, this is just part one. (You have been warned. ) I wanted to make sure that this year was the start of a holiday tradition that we would continue for a lifetime, which is to focus on presence. I've been repeating myself over and over again this past couple months, but I wanted to ensure that Haidyn ( and our future children) understand that the holidays is not about the presents you receive but the presence of family and love.  

Jon was able to spend Christmas with us after not being able to come home since last Christmas! ( One of the biggest reasons why Haidyn and I were overly excited !!)  Due to the snow, we were not able to make it to my in-laws for Christmas Eve and then back to our home for Christmas day so we combined both days into one. Both sides of the family came to our home to celebrate and it was nothing short of magical

Waymon and I have been married for almost 4 years now and this was the first time that both families were able to get together for Christmas. We drank mimosas, ate an assortment of breakfast foods and passed out our presents to each other ( let's be real it was mostly just Haidyn's presents). Haidyn received everything she loved and so much more. Doc McStuffins was the theme to her presents (FYI  if you haven't seen my IG yet she is obsessed with everything to become a doctor), animals , accessories and instruments. This Christmas Haidyn was able to understand a little more of what was going on. She enjoyed opening her presents ( painfully slow I might add) and took the time to stop and fully examine her gift before hugging the person who gave it to her. 

At the end of the day, we were all so happy to be around each other and catch up before we had to part ways. I'm beyond happy with the fact that I got to spend time with the people I love on such a wonderful holiday. I have so much to be thankful for especially now that I believe this is the first time I've really focused on the true meaning of Christmas. We're already counting down the days til next Christmas all because we know it's the next time we'll get to see Jon. 


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