Tuesday, April 16, 2019

End of an Era

SunnyinReno has always been my blog. I’ve kept this blog for going on eight years. I’ve documented my entire life on this blog from being a wife to becoming a mother. I’ve documented all the life moments I want to remember that didn’t quite fit into 160 characters on Facebook or little Instagram squares. I haven’t been good at keeping up with the blog lately because I know there are a few people out there using this space against me. They’ve marked my blog as spam, copied pictures off the blog without my permission and shared them as their own.  I let them steer me away from blogging about my family and my life. For months, I didn’t say anything, and it bothered me. I let awful people take over my blog. I took down my blog after my last blog post because it caused me so much grief. I didn’t want to delete everything I worked so hard on documenting through the last eight years. I’ve grown up along side this blog. 

I forgot that this is MY blog and I decide what happens next. I forgot that this is my life and that I will write the narrative as I see fit. I forgot that these are my memories I want documented and not theirs. Here’s the biggest fuck you to those people who I let get me down for the past couple of months. You can take the pictures, but you will never have the memories I’m creating with my family.  I’m taking my blog back and rebranding it to fit our life now. 

 SunnyinReno came about when Waymon and I moved to Reno watching It’s Always in Philadelphia on DVDs in our one bedroom 500 sq. ft apartment eating all the best cheap unhealthy foods. Our lives have changed just bit since those days. I’m now and most importantly Haidyn’s Mama . I am Mrs. Wells .  I am stronger than the negative envy my terrible follower breeds. You know who you are. I won’t let you ever get me down. This is my life and regardless of how hard you try to bring me down I will get back up .  Ending SunnyinReno is bittersweet but necessary. Everything Wells is now the story of our lives . Everything will always  be sunny in Reno , but now I want tell all of you about everything about the Wells’ . I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, I promise. This is our fresh start.


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