Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend started off with sending Haidyn off with Hootsee and Papa ( per  her request) while Waymon and I were forced to spend some time together. Haidyn had a weekend off from T-ball so it seemed like the perfect time for her to stay the weekend out in Wads. She's obsessed with playing outside in the dirt ! I don't blame her since our backyard isn't much of a yard to begin with. In Wads we also inherited 2 additional dogs other than our own ( Woody / Frankie). Haidyn , like her Papa, likes to tend to them while she's out there to make sure they're getting the best quality care.  Just so you're in the know our "pups" are Brownie and Pumpkin. I'm sure you'll see them more often . 


Meanwhile,  Waymon and I spent out hot date at a new sushi restaurant , perusing Target and waiting in line for a McDonald's 2 ice cream cones for about 20 minutes. It was a pretty solid date if you ask me, especially since we didn't get to see Waymon the rest of the weekend. Seriously how exciting is it to go out on a date with your husband?? Spoiler alert it's still  pretty damn exciting. We traded our usual dinner and movie date for something a lot simpler. Also because Waymon knows I would sleep through an IMAX movie regardless of the movie . :) 

I met up with Haidyn on Saturday to hang out and relax with everyone . Haidyn's one request this Easter was to dye eggs, so dye we did. No fancy egg decorating because we're kind of really terrible at decorating but one of our eggs stood out among the rest. Can you guess which egg ? The other eggs were adorable and were really the  highlight of the egg decorating because Haidyn personalized each egg with a drawing of each of us ( including the cats) .  She hunted for all of the eggs in the front yard with her Hootsee .  The kid literally plopped all of her hard boiled eggs in a basket cracking most of them. After our own little egg hunt , we spent a little time visiting with Auntie Pam and cousin Kai while we watched some Giants baseball! 



The rest of the weekend was less exciting and more relaxing. I took an extra day off to spend with Haidyn on her day off from school to relax. It's rare that I get to take time off to do that, but I'm glad that I did nothing. Our busy schedules are only about to ramp up with the nice weather finally hitting Reno so one lazy weekend was needed in our home. This week we're back to t-ball , school business, work business and vacation planning! 


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

End of an Era

SunnyinReno has always been my blog. I’ve kept this blog for going on eight years. I’ve documented my entire life on this blog from being a wife to becoming a mother. I’ve documented all the life moments I want to remember that didn’t quite fit into 160 characters on Facebook or little Instagram squares. I haven’t been good at keeping up with the blog lately because I know there are a few people out there using this space against me. They’ve marked my blog as spam, copied pictures off the blog without my permission and shared them as their own.  I let them steer me away from blogging about my family and my life. For months, I didn’t say anything, and it bothered me. I let awful people take over my blog. I took down my blog after my last blog post because it caused me so much grief. I didn’t want to delete everything I worked so hard on documenting through the last eight years. I’ve grown up along side this blog. 

I forgot that this is MY blog and I decide what happens next. I forgot that this is my life and that I will write the narrative as I see fit. I forgot that these are my memories I want documented and not theirs. Here’s the biggest fuck you to those people who I let get me down for the past couple of months. You can take the pictures, but you will never have the memories I’m creating with my family.  I’m taking my blog back and rebranding it to fit our life now. 

 SunnyinReno came about when Waymon and I moved to Reno watching It’s Always in Philadelphia on DVDs in our one bedroom 500 sq. ft apartment eating all the best cheap unhealthy foods. Our lives have changed just bit since those days. I’m now and most importantly Haidyn’s Mama . I am Mrs. Wells .  I am stronger than the negative envy my terrible follower breeds. You know who you are. I won’t let you ever get me down. This is my life and regardless of how hard you try to bring me down I will get back up .  Ending SunnyinReno is bittersweet but necessary. Everything Wells is now the story of our lives . Everything will always  be sunny in Reno , but now I want tell all of you about everything about the Wells’ . I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, I promise. This is our fresh start.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Big 5!

F I V E    Y E A R S   O L D!!!! I can't even believe that I'm typing that. I'm Jonah Hill meme screaming right now typing this.  I can't believe that my baby is five , playing all types of sports, has her own sassy personality and is going into Kindergarten this year. Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was documenting all the beautiful moments with her only in the womb. Unlike last year, where she was constantly reminding me that she ISN'T my baby anymore she's reminding me that she still is my baby just a little bigger. Reassuring me that she'll never change. I wish it was that easy.  Fear has kicked in a bit with her because so many big changes are coming her way, but her fear subsides when she realizes that all of her friends are going through the same thing. 

This kid is my everything. She's not only my wonderful daughter but my very best friend. We do everything together and oddly enough we never get sick of each other. It's cliche but the relationship I have with Haidyn is the one that I always wanted growing up with my own mom. I hope that never changes between us. Unlike most kids, she is perfectly fine tagging along with me wherever I may need to go as long as she can put her two cents in .  It wouldn't be our kid otherwise would it? She's loving all the traveling we get to do in our spare time, art , basketball , baking , doing her make up and working out. She's never satisfied with not doing something. She needs to be busy from the time she wakes up to the time she goes to sleep. Relaxing is difficult to comprehend in her book. :) Wonder where she gets all that from? But in all honesty this kid is a mirror image of her Uncle Jon growing up. The questions she asks, her interests , the way she does a lot of things at home and at school are all Jon. I've given up my "twin" title with Jon to Haidyn.

Five questions for Haidyn's fifth birthday. 

1. When is your birthday and what would you like as a present? APRIL 14 and a new helmet :D ( at this point she knows her birthday presents are a scooter and an Ariana Grande concert)

2. What do you want to be when you grow up? I just want to help people. 

3. Who are your best friends? Lena, Mazy , Hayes , Naomi

4. What is your favorite food ?chicken and rice

5. Who do you love to listen to? Blue hair Bille Eilish and Ariana

Five things I need Haidyn to remember at the moment. 

1. Keep asking those questions . We will always try to figure out the answers to your questions. We understand that you always want to know more. There is nothing wrong with that. ! I know that most days you'd much rather just KNOW the answer to your question but one day you will most of all the answers to your questions and we'll be asking you some questions. You're learning every time you ask a question even if it seems silly. We love that you're curious. 
2. People aren't always nice , but you have to be . This is something I know you struggle with because you want to be everyone's friend. Who doesn't? Sometimes people just don't want to be friends with you for a reason that we will ever know and that's okay. That's something that you'll have to live with , but just because someone doesn't want to be your friend doesn't mean that you will turn around and be mean to them. You will still be nice, interact and play with them as if they are your friends nothing changes. Being nice doesn't cost a thing  for you to do. I would much rather you be nice that a mean girl any day. 
3. You aren't everyone else. As a girl, there is always some other girl out there that looks cooler, better, prettier and etc . Just know that you are also cooler, better, prettier and etc. You don't need to change the way you are to fit in. You're amazing the way that you are  . I'm not just saying that as your Mama . You are amazing! People want to be like too so there is no need to change who you are and what you do just to fit  in. 
4. You'll win some and lose some. We understand that being an only child kinda seems like you get to do what you want and you ALWAYS win. Let's be real and honest for a second , you will not be always winning. You do not get to throw a fit because you didn't catch a ball a tee  ball or throw a perfect basket in basketball. We've put you in sports for you to understand that you will have to earn what you get. There is no crying in any sport and you need to work on being the best if you want to be the best. Just because you believe you should be getting every line drive or shooting every perfect basket doesn't mean you will. All we want is for you to do your best  and be a team player. 
5. Your laugh is contagious. You can make anyone feel better when they see you're laughing. There is something about your laugh that makes everyone around you feel like everything is going to be alright. That includes me! You're always laughing at life and making the very best of it.  

Happy birthday Anak! Mama, Daddy, Sass and Frankie love you so much so much always.