Monday, March 5, 2018

March Meal Prep | Week One

Meal prepping is getting more and more tedious during our busy weekends. It's honestly just a failure to plan on our part because of our busy schedules during the week. All we want to do is spend time together without spending that time in the kitchen prepping! But this week we got it done with a lot of help from the slow cooker. I really should utilize it more often because slow cooking saves my patience. I'm sticking to my timed nutrition from my 80 day obsession program. I haven't been sticking to it because my schedule has been crazy, but this week I definitely will be trying it.

Breakfast - Protein Shake w/ Coconut flakes and Fruit w/ PB
Snack One - Eggs and Turkey Sausage ( Waymon's includes tortillas). 

Lunch - Walnut Shrimp, Veggies and Quinoa w/ Rice /OR/  Philly Cheesesteaks w/ Pepper Jack Cheese.

Snack Two - Carrots w/ Cheese /OR/ Guacamole
Dinner - Protein, Carb and Veggies.


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