Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Apple Hill Craze

Fall is officially here and our first order of business was to head to Apple Hill. Of course, we picked the busiest weekend to head to the most popular apple spot .  Last year we went to Apple Hill too late in the year and it just wasn't the same. This year was a lot different and a lot more fun than any previous year. As many of you know this is Haidyn's favorite time of year so the fact that her Papa and Uncle Josh came along this year just sent her through the roof.

She's at the age where she understands that the weekend is coming so for weeks prior to this trip she knew we were going to Apple Hill. I'm sure she had no freaking clue what the hell Apple Hill was, but when we got there she was beside herself. It was heaven for her. The day that we picked to go seemed like the busiest day of the year. We got to Apple Hill at 11:00 am and didn't get to park and into a farm until 12:00 noon. Josh waited for us because the traffic was that awful! (Thank you again for waiting for us). We ate lunch at High Hill Ranch. This was our first time as a family visiting this ranch. Our lunch was amazing and we got to spend some time by the pond watching the geese. Haidyn's favorite part of this farm had to be the ponies. She got to ride the ponies along side her Hootsee and you can tell by the look on her face that she was having the time of her life.


Our second and final stop was of course my favorite Boa Vista Orchards. I don't know what it is about this farm that brings me to life. I absolutely love this farm. The apples, the goodies and the pumpkins are just so amazing. The boys went off to enjoy their apple beers and my mom and I went to buy the goodies. Haidyn went off with the boys to enjoy all of the gypsies. We didn't stay here long but we did let Haidyn run around the pumpkin field.


After Apple Hill we said our goodbyes with Josh and headed to Roseville. No trip to California is ever complete without stopping into Lush. ( All of us Wells' girls I already can't wait to go back next year! Hopefully we choose a day that isn't the busiest damn day of the year again, but nonetheless I would go even if it was the busiest day.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Easy Vegan Brownies

My guiltiest pleasure is anything sweet. I have such a big sweet tooth, but my recent endeavor in dabbling with vegan desserts has me not only embracing my sweet tooth but it’s leaving me guiltless! Guiltless desserts is my heaven on earth. These vegan brownies only require 3 ingredients you probably already have in your home and are simple to recreate. This recipe gives you 8 delectable squares of those guiltless brownies that will have you wanting more. Don’t let “vegan” stop you from trying this recipe. I’m sure next time around I will add nuts or seeds to the mix just for a little more crunch. These brownies satisfied my sweet tooth for sure. P.S. I couldn’t wait for these bad boys to cool completely in the pan they smelt so good! I had to dig in immediately.  I totally had two squares my first night. :) 


  • 3 overripe bananas
  • ½ cup almond butter
  • ¼ cup cacao powder
  1. Preheat oven to 350F and line a loaf pan with a greased parchment paper.
  2. Mash bananas thoroughly in a medium bowl  w/ a fork. 

  3. Add in almond butter and cocoa powder into your banana mixture and combine thoroughly.

  4. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

  5. Remove from the oven and let cool completely in the pan before slicing. (This is the hardest part!)
  6. Once cooled, cut into 8 equal pieces and enjoy!

Original recipe adapted from Fablunch