Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week in Pictures: Haidyn's First Christmas

Haidyn’s first Christmas was a success! To say she was spoiled on her first Christmas would be the understatement of the year. She knew she was getting spoiled and she loved every second of it and I would be lying to you if I told you that I didn't love it as well. We all loved watching her “ooh and ahh” over the wrapping paper , bows and tissue paper that came with each gift; she was a lot more interested in that than any of the gifts.

Our Christmases we have to divide up into 2 different celebrations; one for my family and one for Waymon’s . Each celebration holds something different for us.  Celebrating with my Mom usually entails us eating entirely way too much food and napping due to our food coma while celebrating with Waymon’s family entails watching the annual Christmas SNL special and conversing over wine.  Though each celebration is different, but both are very special to me.  What was even more special to me was showing Haidyn the traditions of both sides of our families.


Christmas morning we celebrated with my Mom. Haidyn woke up at 6:30 am Christmas morning wiggling around our bed and alerting us that it is in fact Christmas. ( Duh! Mom, I should've known) I’m sure that Santa gave her a heads up that he was already came to deliver her gifts.  Haidyn quickly ate breakfast and crawled to the tree to demolish all of the gifts. We quickly ran after her to capture her terrorizing her gifts. Right after opening our presents we sat around the table for lunch were we ate lamb, pork loin, the most amazing green beans and mashed potatoes all smothered in gravy.

Later that night we headed over to Waymon’s house for Christmas dinner. Right as we walked in the door we were greeted by Mom and Dad as well as the hilarious jokes on the Christmas SNL special on TV. We settled in fairly quickly and sat down for dinner where we had steak, crab and baked potatoes. Oh my god it was so delicious! Haidyn loved the crab! After dinner was finished, we walked over to deliver our Christmas gifts and Haidyn got to greet her Uncles “Merry Christmas” . She was so excited to see them ! Our greeting lasted a few minutes before we noticed how late it was actually getting. We headed back to the house to open presents.




Haidyn didn’t get to crawl to the tree this time around; however she did get to terrorize her gifts from the couch. She grabbed each gift from Grandma Tracey with more excitement than the last present. Haidyn loved her Elmo and her little people! After opening presents she played with all of her new toys while she was rolling around .

This Christmas was one of the best one’s we've had.  I can’t wait to do it all over again next year.  


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