Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Recapping 2014, Welcoming 2015.

This year has got to be one of the most exciting year of my life thus far. I was blessed with my baby girl, reached my 2nd year of marriage, my blog is celebrating 2 years and  I’ve attempted to start a small business. Even though it has been exciting and full of blessings, it definitely was one difficult year for me. Everything that happened to me this year was a learning experience. Not one thing came easy this year and I believe that, that will be a standard for years to come.

Realizing that marriage was something you had to work at instead of it being easy was particularly difficult for me. The honeymoon stage is over and our marriage is no longer the cute and naively blissful image I saw when I was 21. Our marriage is serious and very real. It's not all about being right or winning the fight anymore it's more about compromise; which believe it or not hurts my pride more often than not since I tend to lean towards enjoying winning every argument. However, swallowing my pride and remembering that we are no longer the center of our lives changed our marriage forever.  We love each other dearly but our lives  revolve around little Miss Haidyn instead of each other. Our love has transformed from being happy newlyweds to happy in love best friends.That is the love that I've always wanted.

Being a mother on the hand,  was everything I imagined it to be with the exception of the lack of sleep. I had no idea how much sleep I would lose being a new mom or the patience I would gain. The birth of Haidyn changed my life for the better. If you would’ve told me that I would be a mom at 23, I wouldn’t have believed you. Every day I am still in disbelief that the beautiful girl I gave birth to is really mine. Life is a lot more stressful and full of worry because I have to be concerned over everything about and for her, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The joy of being a parent overwhelms with me with every milestone she reaches and every art project that comes home with her. Being Haidyn's mother is what I was put on this Earth to do.

Attempting to start my business this year has taken me by a whirlwind. I love doing what I am doing. I love making my clients happy capturing all of their joys in one photo.  I don’t feel like I’m working when I’m out at the location. I’ve gotten to meet such wonderful people and really get to learn more about their lives. All I hope for is that I can build clientele and keep doing what I love doing.

Another rough patch for me this year was losing Jon. It was hard for me to let my little brother go. I haven’t been away from him in 20 years and all of the sudden went from talking and spending every weekend together to Facetiming/ calling once a week, if that. It was rough when/every time I had to say goodbye. I remember crying for days at a time. I had just taken Haidyn home and I was completely overwhelmed without being able to talk to my best friend and being a new mom. Now that we have a rhythm of everything and seeing how happy his career is making him, I can’t imagine him doing anything else than what he is doing now. He was born to do what he is doing. Haidyn and I love our hours with him on Facetime when he has his days off.

This year is the start of something so exciting. I still get shivers from thinking about everything that has happened. As difficult as it might be, I’m happily learning to accommodate the change and all of curve balls I’ve been thrown. Thank you 2014 for being such a good year to me. I can't wait to see what 2015 has to offer.

Happy New Years Everyone!

Thursday, December 25, 2014


December 24th has never really been Christmas Eve for us since it's our Papa's birthday. This birthday was even more special than all of the rest; this was the birthday that he got to celebrate it with his Beanie and reunite with Jon.

Haidyn can't take anything seriously.... (:
 All of our family gathered at Boomtown last night to celebrate his day. Being at Boomtown we had to shovel down as much lobster as we could and being Mangosing's we did not disappoint. We ate our weight in lobsters it seemed like. Haidyn even got to try some herself ( no she's not allergic and yes she loved it :) ) 

I don't think I've ever seen my Papa quite as happy as yesterday. I'm glad that no amount of snow/slush on the ground could stop all of us from coming out to celebrate him. I'm sure that his 60th birthday tops them all. Happy Birthday again Papa. I love you. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Week in Pictures: Jon's Arrival & Christmas Tree Hunting

The days that led up to December 19th were a blur for me. I couldn't focus on anything but Jon's homecoming. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that my brother was finally coming home after not seeing him for 8 months! On my social media accounts I counted down the days and on the day of his arrival I counted down the hours and then the minutes.  The wait was definitely worth it all.


 Haidyn, Sass and I made a "Welcome Home" sign for him to welcome him at 11:00 pm that Friday evening. His friends, Mama, Dad, Haidyn and I were all there to greet him. Haidyn was sick that day, but nothing stopped her from greeting her Uncle Jon. Actually seeing Jon, in the flesh, for the first time was came as a shock to me, it still does. I still can't believe that my best friend is within 10 feet of me at all times now. It's also just as weird that it doesn't feel that he's been gone for that long. It seems like that he's been here the entire time.

As promised, we went tree hunting with Jon and Mama Sunday afternoon. All the good trees ( or bigger trees) were sold out at every location near us, so we had to go to Tollhouse Pumpkin Patch for our tree-It definitely did not disappoint. There was so many trees I didn't know which one to choose. I probably picked around 10 different trees until we found our tree. Now, they weren't the top of the line trees since we got to pick the last of the lot, but I loved them all.

I wanted this tree to be special for all of us for all of the following reasons: 1) it was Haidyn's first Christmas, 2) this will be our first REAL tree, 3) this Christmas is our first Christmas with everyone home. :) It couldn't be more perfect!! We decorated our beautiful tree with white lights, blue and silver ornaments accented with wolves. Waymon and decided that since we are a Wolfpack family that we should stick to our roots and build from here.

Haidyn was sitting with my Mom while we all set up the tree. She couldn't take her eyes off of the tree. She loved the lights, the ornaments and especially the gifts underneath the tree. Little girl decided that she was going to peek at them herself and dig through everyone's presents. Her and Sass can't wait for Christmas. Tomorrow is Christmas and it's such a busy time for us since we're out with our families, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Bring on Christmas!!

Happy Christmas Eve to you all !